Home Spain Tours in Velez Malaga

Free tours in Velez Malaga

Offering you 1 tours in Velez Malaga, Spain

Offering you 1 results from 1 in Velez Malaga, Spain
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Velez-Malaga: Discover Andalusia's heritage with free guided tours

Velez-Malaga, a historic city located in the heart of Andalusia, charms tourists with its rich Moorish heritage and traditional Spanish charm. Surrounded by olive groves and vineyards, Velez-Malaga offers a glimpse into authentic Andalusian life.

Discover Velez-Malaga's cultural treasures on a free tour of its historic center, which seamlessly blends ancient fortifications and Renaissance architecture. Visit the impressive San Juan Bautista Church and wander through the lively Mercado de San Francisco, where local vendors offer fresh produce and traditional handicrafts.

Explore the culinary delights of Velez-Malaga by visiting tapas bars and restaurants famous for their Andalusian specialties. Whether you're exploring the city's cultural attractions, sampling the local cuisine or simply soaking up its laid-back atmosphere, Velez-Malaga promises to enrich you with free guided tours.

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