Home Argentina Tours in San Martin De Los Andes

Free tours in San Martin De Los Andes

Offering you 1 tours in San Martin De Los Andes, Argentina

Offering you 1 results from 1 in San Martin De Los Andes, Argentina
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Explore San Martin de los Andes with a free walking tour

San Martin de los Andes, a town in Argentine Patagonia, is a paradise of lakes, mountains and charming architecture. A free walking tour is the perfect way to experience its picturesque scenery and local culture.

Stroll through the town centre, where wooden chalets and craft shops reflect the town's alpine charm. The free tour often includes Plaza San Martin, the town's main square, and the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves.

Enjoy breathtaking views of Lake Lacar, stroll along the Costanera and explore the local markets. The free tour allows you to experience the natural and cultural wonders of San Martin de los Andes in a relaxed setting.

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