Tours in Oradea

Offering you 2 tours in Oradea, Romania
Offering you 2 results from 2 in Oradea, Romania
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Provided by Emilia
Tour hasn’t received enough ratings
If you like walking, the tour can start from the fortress, then visit objectives from Union Square and pedestrian street. The tour can start on the other way: from the pedestrian street and finish on the fortress.
2h 30min
Start time
10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Info & Booking
2h 30min
10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Provided by Javier Rio
Tour hasn’t received enough ratings
Join our free tour to explore the charming city of Oradea, and take to the narrow streets with a professional guide to discover the character, history, must-sees, and hidden gems of this remarkable neighborhood.
Dutch, Catalan +2
2 hours
Start time
8:20 AM, 8:30 AM +1 More
Info & Booking
Dutch, Catalan +2
2 hours
8:20 AM, 8:30 AM +1 More
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