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Fisterra, Spain: Where Land Meets the Sea

Fisterra, a picturesque coastal town in Galicia, Spain, is often considered the “end of the world.” Its name, derived from the Latin Finis Terrae, means “end of the Earth.” Located on the stunning Costa da Morte (Coast of Death), Fisterra is a must-visit for travelers exploring the region’s rich history and natural beauty.

One of the town’s highlights is the iconic Fisterra Lighthouse, perched on a rugged cliff, offering stunning panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. This spot is also the final stop for many pilgrims after completing the Camino de Santiago, adding a spiritual layer to the already stunning setting.

For those looking to explore the area, a free tour of Fisterra is a great way to discover its charming streets, rich fishing traditions, and local legends. The tour often includes visits to important landmarks such as the Santa Maria das Areas church and nearby ancient cemeteries.

In addition to its historical and cultural significance, Fisterra boasts beautiful beaches such as Praia do Mar de Fóra, where you can relax while listening to the soothing sound of the waves crashing. Seafood lovers will appreciate the town's excellent restaurants, which offer fresh local fish.

Fisterra's blend of history, nature and spiritual significance makes it a unique destination, where travelers can truly experience the magic of the encounter between land and sea.

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