Historical free walking tours in Trujillo (PE)

Offering you 2 results from 2 in Trujillo (PE), Peru
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Historical free walking tours in Trujillo (PE)
All tours in Trujillo (PE)
Provided by PVTravels
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Visit Trujillo, and its tourist attraction of the Huaca del Sol and the moon, in the Moche countryside, next to the visit of the Huacas de Moche Museum and the archaeological complex of Chan Chan.
English, Spanish
10 hours
Start time
10:00 AM
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English, Spanish
10 hours
10:00 AM
Provided by PVTravels
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Chan Chan formerly one of the largest cities in the Americas was a home to the Moche civilizations. An afternoon visit this complex from Trujillo top the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
English, Spanish
4 hours
Start time
2:00 PM
Info & Booking
English, Spanish
4 hours
2:00 PM
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