Free tours in Lviv
Offering you 4 tours in Lviv, Ukraine
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Walking Tour
Come and join us for a tour of one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in Eastern Europe. Enjoy the marvellous architecture, great food and unique atmosphere – all still unspoilt by the massive tourist industry.
2 hours
11:00 AM
Tip based
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Walking Tour
A Private Walking Experience, strolling along the enchanting Lviv among narrow brick streets while listening to exciting stories about each of these attractions.
3 hours
10:00 AM
From €14
Info & Booking
Beer Tasting Tour in Lviv

Walking Tour
Si quieres conocer mejor la gastronomía y la cultura ucraniana, no debes dejar pasar la oportunidad de adentrarte en el interesante mundo de la cerveza en Lviv, una de las bebidas con más tradición en Ucrania.
3 hours
3:00 PM
From €39
Info & Booking