Home Egypt Tours in Siwa

Free tours in Siwa

Offering you 5 tours in Siwa, Egypt

Offering you 5 results from 5 in Siwa, Egypt
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Siwa offers ancient ruins, unique culture, and natural springs, ideal for explor

Siwa is a unique and charming oasis town located in the Western Desert of Egypt, close to the border with Libya. Famous for its picturesque landscapes, rich history and distinctive cultural heritage, Siwa is a peaceful place to escape from the bustling cities of Egypt. The oasis is famous for its natural springs, lush palm groves and ancient ruins, which create a striking contrast to the arid desert surrounding it.

A free tour of Siwa is a great way to immerse yourself in its remarkable beauty and history. One of the town's top attractions is the Temple of Amun, an ancient sanctuary dedicated to the Egyptian god Amun. This historic site is famous for its role in the visit of Alexander the Great, who sought a prophecy from the oracle here. The temple ruins, including its impressive colonnades and inscriptions, offer a fascinating insight into the ancient past.

Another highlight of a free tour is the Siwa House Museum, which showcases traditional Siwa life and culture. The museum offers insight into the unique customs, traditional crafts, and local lifestyle of the Siwan people. Visitors can learn about the history of the region and the customs that have shaped the oasis’ distinctive identity.

The Siwa Oasis is also known for its natural wonders, including the fascinating salt lakes and Cleopatra’s Spring, a popular spot for relaxation and swimming. The natural beauty of these springs, combined with the surrounding desert landscapes, creates a picturesque setting for visitors to enjoy.

Whether exploring ancient ruins, learning about local traditions, or relaxing in natural springs, Siwa offers a tranquil and culturally rich experience, best appreciated through a free tour that highlights its unique blend of history, nature, and local culture.

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