Parigi Diversamente
Provider: Parigi Diversamente Verified
ITA: Parigino d'adozione da 19 anni e ancora adoro passeggiare per questa città e farla scoprire a turisti ed amici.

ENG: I have been living in Paris for the last 19 years and I still enjoy strolling around this beautiful city to always discover something new.
Walking Tour Traveler Reviews

  • “Maurizio is very good”
    Reviewed on June 02, 2024
    Bravo, simpatic, Smart and Clever
    Very very goog
    Thsnks a lot
    See original (Italian)
  • “Ottimo tour”
    Reviewed on April 06, 2024
    Pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful person. It was a pleasure to listen to him. He made the rain nonexistent with his narration
    See original (Italian)
  • “Interessante .. MA…”
    Reviewed on March 15, 2024
    The tour was interesting BUT it would be recommended to use a microphone so that you don't have to compete for the first place to hear what is being told whether it is story or just a hidden tidbit or hint ..
    I have done ... read more
    See original (Italian)
Parigi Diversamente

Provider: Parigi Diversamente Verified

ITA: Parigino d'adozione da 19 anni e ancora adoro passeggiare per questa città e farla scoprire a turisti ed amici.

ENG: I have been living in Paris for the last 19 years and I still enjoy strolling around this beautiful city to always discover something new.
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