Popular Saints, Ghosts and Legends of Chacarita

Verified by FREETOUR.com
Duration: 2h 30min
Provided by Akelarre Tours
Spanish  |  11:00 AM
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
English  |  11:00 AM
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
from €0 Tip based

Overview of the tour in Buenos Aires

It was the harsh winter of 1871 and Yellow Fever devastated the streets of Buenos Aires. The dead arrived in the Chacarita neighborhood piled up on a funeral train that connected the different parts of the city. A place had to be found to leave the corpses and prevent the plague from spreading. Thus was born the largest cemetery in Argentina, which treasures urban legends and unsolved mysteries . It is also known for its popular saints , who with their music and miracles were and are references for thousands of faithful who every year visit the streets full of historic mausoleums in search of hope. Join us on a walk where we will learn about the origins of the cemetery; Gilda 's story of Carlos Gardel and the popular religiosity that surrounds Gauchito Gil and Difunta Correa.

What are we going to talk about?

History and symbology of the tombs
The Difunta Correa
Gauchito Gil Sanctuary
Gilda Mausoleum
Tomb of Carlos Gardel
Belek, the Vampire
and much more!

This activity includes:

  • Chacarita Cemetery
  • Tumba de Gilda

Meeting point

104 - Federico Lacroze, C1043 CABA

On arrival

Meeting point:

On the day of the tour, we will wait for you in the front door of the Chacarita Cementery, next to the orange ECO BIKES. We attach the link: REMEMBER TO ARRIVE 15 MINUTES BEFORE

Things to note



Free Cancellation

You are free to cancel a booking anytime. We kindly remind you to cancel bookings you cannot arrive for. Being reported as absent decreases your customer level points and the benefits you can enjoy.

Spanish  |  11:00 AM
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
English  |  11:00 AM
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
from €0 Tip based
Tours Organized by Akelarre Tours
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