Home Peru Tours in Arequipa

Free tours in Arequipa

Offering you 14 tours in Arequipa, Peru

Offering you 14 results from 14 in Arequipa, Peru
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5 Reviews in Arequipa

Arequipa - White Volcanic rock and Latin American charm

Although Arequipa gets less coverage than it ought to in traditional travel guides, it is truly a wonderful city to visit – still untainted by the flocks of tourists that the likes of Lima, Cuzco and Machu Picchu cater to, this compact Peruvian city is large in life and character, authenticity, charm and intrigue, ancient facades, modern heart and friendly Latin American warmth & attitude.

Once the colonial capital of the Arequipa region of Peru, Arequipa’s ancient ground is nestled between three majestic volcanic mountains which serve as a stunning backdrop to fascinating history, heritage and culture. Join a friendly local guide for a free walking tour of Arequipa as recommended by to delve into the history and discover the city’s Unesco World Heritage listed old centre, the Plaza de Armas and beautiful Baroque architecture built from local stone, the neoclassical Basilica and much more while getting under the skin of this intriguing city with great local hints, tips & recommendations. On the free tour you will also explore the culinary legacy of Arequipa, a highly influential city in Peru’s gastronomic awakening, with free samples of local foods & sauces and free cacao lessons with free hot chocolate samples. You’ll even encounter some friendly alpacas & lamas – your free walking tour in Arequipa will really give you a truly valuable & unrivalled experiential insight to local life here.

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