Free Tour Alcala Insólita (Sólo Adultos)
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1h 30min
Meeting point
Plaza de los Santos Niños esquina con calle San Juan
From €0
Tip based
Free Booking. Free Cancellation.
No fixed price — pay what you feel the tour is worth.
IMPORTANT: NO MINORS ALLOWED - theme and explicit language. Participation of groups of more than 6 people is not permitted on free tours, regardless of whether several reservations have been made from different emails. The fee for booking and participating groups of 6 to 10 people on free tours is €9/person VAT included and €5/children under 7 years old VAT included, to be paid before the tour begins via an electronic payment method. No additional amount will have to be paid upon arrival at the meeting point or the end of the tour. Contact us for more information.
You already know Alcalá de Henares and are almost an expert, so we propose that you delve into one of the most unknown areas of the city center, the Christian neighborhood, on this tour.
We will begin our route by discovering the Roman inscriptions hidden in the Cathedral, then stroll through the old "red-light district" of Alcalá, revealing the unknown ins and outs of the medieval city.
We will discover several still-alive convents full of history and traditions. At the same time, we follow the trail of duels, fights, and murders in dark alleys, renowned inquisitorial processes, etc.
You already know Alcalá de Henares and are almost an expert, so we propose that you delve into one of the most unknown areas of the city center, the Christian neighborhood, on this tour.
We will begin our route by discovering the Roman inscriptions hidden in the Cathedral, then stroll through the old "red-light district" of Alcalá, revealing the unknown ins and outs of the medieval city.
We will discover several still-alive convents full of history and traditions. At the same time, we follow the trail of duels, fights, and murders in dark alleys, renowned inquisitorial processes, etc.
Read more
This activity includes:
- Catedral Magistral de los santos Justo y Pastor
- Plaza de los Santos Niños
- Old Hospital of Santa Maria la Rica
- Calle Mayor y sus soportales.
- Convento de Monjas Dominicas de Santa Catalina de Siena
- Plaza de los Irlandeses
- Calle Damas y Vaqueras Park
- Carcel Arzobispal
- Catedral Magistral de los santos Justo y Pastor
- Plaza de los Santos Niños
- Cárcel Arzobispal
- Los orígenes de la prostitución
- La Guerra de la Independencia en Alcalá
- Calle de las Damas
- La vida íntima de Fernando VII
- Y mucho más...
On arrival
Meeting point: Plaza de los Santos Niños, on the corner of San Juan Street.
Don't confuse us with others! OUR UMBRELLA IS WHITE.
Things to note
The tour is done entirely on foot and is fully accessible.
No type of ticket or ticket is needed. The mentioned monuments are visited externally.
The participation of groups of more than 6 people is not allowed in the free tour.
Minimum group of people: 4.
Reservations from travel agencies or wholesalers are not accepted.
Free Cancellation
You are free to cancel a booking anytime. We kindly remind you to cancel bookings you cannot arrive for. Being reported as absent decreases your customer level points and the benefits you can enjoy.

Verified & Trusted
This activity has been verified on Tripadvisor
Tours Organized by CompluTour