10 Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas for Globetrotters

10 Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas for Globetrotters

Christmas is fast approaching and holiday shopping can be stressful when you don't know what you're looking for when it comes to friends, family, and loved ones. We've all gotten stuck with those tacky reindeer jumpers before, well this year let's try to turn those frowns upside down! Get yourself into the holiday spirit and worry no more, HostelCutlure has got you covered with the perfect gift ideas for your travel-obsessed gift recipients and we know this list will deliver. Here are 10-holiday gift ideas for the globetrotters in your life.

5 Reasons to Join a Free Walking Tour

5 Reasons to Join a Free Walking Tour

Of all the ways to explore a new city during your travels, nothing beats a free walking tour. Visiting landmarks with a rich history, listening to authentic tales, and discovering hidden gems only the locals know allow you to cover a lot of ground and expand your knowledge of a particular city within just a few hours. There are hundreds of tours offered free of charge all over the world, so take advantage of falling in love with each new destination you visit. If you never considered it before, here are 5 reasons why you should join a free walking tour: